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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
18:42, 12 February 2015Morgul Altun Anahtarlamali Nano Dizinler ile Lojik Devre Tasarimi ve Boyut Optimizasyonu.pdf (file)549 KBAltun 2
23:42, 8 February 2015Comert Altun Nadar Erturk Warranty Forecasting of Electronic Boards using Short-term Field Data.pdf (file)971 KBAltun 1
15:03, 29 January 2015Comert Altun Nadar Erturk Warranty Forecasting of Electronic Boards using Short-term Field Data.pptx (file)619 KBAltun 1
12:33, 12 December 2014Susam Altun An Efficient Algorithm to Synthesize Quantum Circuits and Optimization.pptx (file)1.85 MBAltun 1
16:12, 30 November 2014Yavuz Altun Stokastik Hesaplamada Hata Oranlarini Azaltmak icin Rastgele Bit Karistirma Yontemi.pptx (file)3.25 MBAltun 1
16:11, 30 November 2014Susam Altun Kuantum Devre Sentezi ve Optimizasyonu icin Verimli Bir Algoritma.pptx (file)1.86 MBAltun 1
13:20, 17 November 2014Ehb111e-2014-fall-presentation.pptx (file)989 KBAltun 1
20:45, 20 October 2014Susam Altun Kuantum Devre Sentezi ve Optimizasyonu icin Verimli Bir Algoritma.pdf (file)583 KBAltun 1
20:33, 20 October 2014Yavuz Altun Stokastik Hesaplamada Hata Oranlarini Azaltmak icin Rastgele Bit Karistirma Yontemi.pdf (file)725 KBAltun 1
20:17, 20 October 2014Alaybeyoglu Guney Altun Kuntman Design of Positive Feedback Driven Current-Mode Amplifiers Z-Copy CDBA and CDTA and Filter Applications.pdf (file)1.06 MBAltun 1
13:27, 20 October 2014Alaybeyoglu Guney Altun Kuntman Low Input Impedance Current Differencing Unit for Current Mode Active Devices Improved by Positive Feedback and ZC-CDBA Filter Application.pdf (file)256 KBAltun 1
13:13, 20 October 2014Altun MSc Thesis Akim Modlu Islemsel Kuvvetlendirici Tasarimi ve Uygulamalari.ppt (file)1.4 MBAltun 1
23:27, 19 October 2014Susam Altun An Efficient Algorithm to Synthesize Quantum Circuits and Optimization.pdf (file)540 KBAltun 1
15:44, 8 October 2014Bural Sal.png (file)35 KBAltun 1
10:46, 25 September 2014Comert Yadavari Altun Erturk Reliability Prediction of Electronic Boards by Analyzing Field Return Data.pptx (file)656 KBAltun 1
17:05, 23 September 2014Ensar Vahapoglu.jpg (file)76 KBAltun 1
21:33, 3 July 2014Arastirma-3.png (file)167 KBAltun 1
21:32, 3 July 2014Arastirma-1.png (file)46 KBAltun 1
21:25, 3 July 2014Research-3.png (file)170 KBAltun 1
21:24, 3 July 2014Research-1.png (file)50 KBAltun 1
21:17, 3 July 2014Comert Yadavari Altun Erturk Reliability Prediction of Electronic Boards by Analyzing Field Return Data.pdf (file)425 KBAltun 1
21:14, 3 July 2014Altun Kuntman A Wideband CMOS Current-Mode Operational Amplifier and Its Use for Band-Pass Filter Realization.ppt (file)589 KBAltun 1
23:55, 17 June 2014Family photos 18.jpg (file)90 KBAltun 1
23:16, 17 June 2014Family photos 21.jpg (file)97 KBAltun 1
23:08, 17 June 2014Family photos 16.jpg (file)108 KBAltun 1
23:07, 17 June 2014Family photos 17.jpg (file)64 KBAltun 1
23:07, 17 June 2014Family photos 19.jpg (file)59 KBAltun 1
23:06, 17 June 2014Family photos 20.jpg (file)103 KBAltun 1
16:05, 25 March 2014Onur Tunali.jpg (file)52 KBAltun 1
01:43, 13 March 2014Vehbi Comert.jpg (file)27 KBAltun 1
01:42, 13 March 2014Omercan Susam.jpg (file)12 KBAltun 1
01:42, 13 March 2014Hadi Yadavari.jpg (file)86 KBAltun 1
01:41, 13 March 2014Serter Yavuz.jpg (file)3 KBAltun 1
01:38, 13 March 2014Ceylan Morgul.jpg (file)104 KBAltun 1
16:24, 3 January 2014Ehb111e-2013-fall-presentation.pptx (file)903 KBAltun 1
19:49, 16 December 2013Ehb211e-2013-fall-grades.pdf (file)187 KBAltun 1
20:33, 9 December 2013Ehb211e-2013-fall-midterm-02.pdf (file)186 KBAltun 1
15:40, 28 October 2013Ehb211e-2013-fall-midterm-01.pdf (file)145 KBAltun 1
23:29, 3 October 2013Altun Riedel A Study on Monotone Self Dual Boolean Functions.pdf (file)145 KBAltun 1
18:56, 29 July 2013Family photos 15.jpg (file)28 KBAltun 1
16:40, 27 July 2013Altun MSc Thesis Akim Modlu Islemsel Kuvvetlendirici Tasarimi ve Uygulamalari.pdf (file)689 KBAltun 1
18:29, 18 July 2013Family photos 14.jpg (file)48 KBAltun 1
16:51, 17 July 2013Family photos 01.jpg (file)59 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 02.jpg (file)89 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 03.jpg (file)62 KBAltun 1
16:50, 17 July 2013Family photos 04.jpg (file)95 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 05.jpg (file)67 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 06.jpg (file)40 KBAltun 1
16:49, 17 July 2013Family photos 07.jpg (file)66 KBAltun 1
16:48, 17 July 2013Family photos 08.jpg (file)37 KBAltun 1

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